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Should I use skins online?
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Hi there!
I'm pretty new around here and do not have much (enough?) LFS time.
I race around public servers using stock plain colors, no skins on the cars (sometimes even plain white).

I have no tools for skinning except (if I spend some time to learn it) and very limited skills, so I do not think I'll be making my own skins in the near future. I also think no skin is better than an horrid looking homemade one.
When I can play I want to race, not draw or hotlap to build setups (shame on me!)

So this leads to the following question:
Do you fellow racers find that offensive (no skin - plain car)?

I checked the skins section but can not get to understand what skin I could download use and when, and I also would like stripped off skins (meaning more ascetic there, not the other kind of stripping ) rather than eye catching drifting stuff.
I thought to use team promotech skins but can not get hold of the team manager for his agreement

Thanks for your opinion
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Quote from G!NhO :...Maybe i am gonna buy S2, but when you buy it you have to get another lisence???

Go for it!
You will not have to buy another license, but for some servers you will have to "earn" a higher license before you are allowed to race, by racing on beginners servers or getting the required lap time.
This allows the servers to provide closer races by reducing / distributing skills range, works pretty well
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
May I suggest getting on UF-BR CTRA server?
Some races on seemingly boring tracks for thess slow high grip "cars" turn into highly tactical fights involving racing lines and drafting when the server fills in (AS2, KY, BL) because of the overall low speed and close racing.
It is also easy to get track tuned setups from fellow racers.
I think it is a good learning / testing startpoint!
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
I would call it a good move
Well done!
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Thanks Sam and CTRA for the amazing work through my LFS break!
I could not resist and joined a few servers to check progress today and saw LX6's racing on race 2 :jawdrop:

A few more days before I can race again, in this new CTRA full of surprises
Happy new year all!
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Good news! I've been spending my LFS time on testpatch servers and racing AIs offline from X30 on (to feel a tiny bit useful) , and servers were scarcely populated.
Looking forward to CTRA races again! Thanks for your work
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
I sign there, but this is worthless if there is no upper preload limit in the clutch pach configuration (or am I completely wrong?)
And the clutch does heat very slowly in the latest patches, allowing flatshifting for 10 lap races on at least LX4, LX6, RAC (if you don't leave the clutch engaged during well executed SO6 end of straight spins ).
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Quote from Drunken Predator :Damn i should have wished my wife to disappear!

Never wish anything the like, or else the above mentioned wife disappears into a shopping center for a few hours and burns your credit card faster than an AI stuck in pits burns a patch X30 clutch

I wish to remove myself from this so-called club, because:
A) My clutch does not heat up any more due to X36 cold hearted reverse evolution :chicken:
B) Tristan probalby bullied all the new member into joining, hence his massive middle finger lead in the forum bully awards section
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Fernbay Rallycross green - UF1000 overtaking
You can cut badly at the chicane at T1 with no consequences, maybe detect tyres collision there?
By the way the new texts for the lessons are very good, informative and witty. Thanks!
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
I'm at work at the moment so I have spare (CPU) time for some AI testing.
Unfortunately I can not go through the firewall and use the auto updater, and have X35 installed.
Could someone post a link to X36 please? Thank you
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Hey axus, finally a good thread in this pre patch season!
I am a bit shy to share my setups due to incompetence coupled (no preload...) to my lack of LFS time (when I finally can get on LFS, I jump in a race and discard setup building), but I thought some of you may give feedback or even like this one:
XRT, originally designed for BL1 (X30).
Ignore low(ish) brake force, suited to my mouse driving.

Please feedback!
Last edited by Mille Sabords, .
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
I tried a few 5 lap races with mixed XFG XRG and various setups, mustpit on, on SO6.
Quick AI is much better than pro for XRG, and quick XFG AI's still get overall better time than pros because they do not get damage.
XRG pro laptime 1:26.6 best
XRG quick laptime 1:27.4 best but still 20second better race time over 5 laps + pit. And without forced pits the XRG pros still have to go repair.
Apart from that good scaling from newbie to quick.
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Please HeerBommel this is not a physics bug, you have to understand that you need new gear ratios especially if you drive with autoclutch (like I do), try to pull out of stop in 3nd gear IRL (that would be your current LFS 2nd gear more or less) @ 6000RPM and tell me how it smells
Enjoy this new patch, now you have a lot to test and more to learn!
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
HeerBommel: The AI in patch 31 seem to determine a pitting startegy based on fuel consumption, as it is different for each car but not affected by setup.
However they are not (well, do not seem to) readjust the strategy when they have to pit for damage (and they do pit and repair whatever your choice is).
I just ran a 20 lap race with XFGs and XRGs full grid on SO6, various setups including 2 roadgoing XRGs.
These to had to pit for damage (5 pitstops) and finished the race with 45% fuel in tank...
However the XFGs with proper race sets finished with approx 5% in tank, 1 pitstop as specified (mustpit on).
The .knw is no longer AI based nor updated after a race, so I assume they do not learn any more. That is unfortunate for XRG AIs as they do not seem to cope well with the highspeed downhill braking (hit wall each lap ). Hard life ahead!
AIs keep tyres green and good when given a proper set, and take tyre temp in account is seems! Excellent!
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Quote from Arnaud Amaury :Hi
I'm guessing that I should try some online stuff. What is a fun server for a low key noob wanting to race either LX4 or MRT5?
Thanks and have fun,

Hi there,
I'm noob..ish as well and find that the "Volvolandia" server is welcoming for newbies who show interest and try hard, although I have no idea of the situation during your timeframe. It's often populated enough to have fun in Europena evenings, + currently running latest patch. Check it out!
And have fun.
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
As it is I think it can provide assistance for real beginners, preferable offline and when learning a track. Anything that can improve the learning curve (well not exactly, but the first part of it when you still struggle to get a clean lap... do you oldtimers remember this time with a tear of longing in your eyes?) is welcome as it brings more competitive racers to the servers. Good fun last night, BL1 TBO class with 30+ drivers!

2 questions though:
I did not test it, does the line adapt to the car driven (i.e. braking points)?
Is is updated when the AI / player hits a pb?
Last edited by Mille Sabords, . Reason : spelling
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Wow I love this patch, it is a major upgrade! I will need a few weeks testing only to discover the changes here and there.
Happy to join in, if this club accepts mouse users (G25 in my next life, I hope...)
See you on track, you will spot my car easily: the one at the back, with a burning clutch and red hot tyres
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Hi! At work now so testing the AI's on their own.
What I've found so far:
Racing line and overall performance improved a lot!
AIs can overtake (I witnessed a few daring (suicidal?) moves in the braking zones) but AIs do not seem to use slipstream at all (still braking in the straights...)
AIs respond to yellow flags pretty well / avoid collisions (except in pits...)
AIs completely ignore blue flags
AIs pitting is around 70% good (the rest burn their clutch or fool around) Do AI pits always in the same box? I can not find a pattern but apparently their position in the race has no influence on the box.
AI's repeat the same mistake lap after lap (example, XFG+XRG @ SO chicane clipping wall after downhill straight each lap of the race) - no auto update of "ideal" racing line?
AIs that take a spin are out of the race, they heat their clutch recovering and destroy it shortly after by ignoring the temp raise.
Overall impressive improvements! For short races without pitstops these new AIs can be serious competition.
Many thanks
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Too much...
Enough to reach 1.33xx in the XFG and XRG and 1.24xx in the XRT (mouse...). And I'm not fast.
So probably around 2 years, not much free time due to job and family so I would guess 10-30'000km. Then I decided to sneak LFS license at home (my wife is not exactly in agreement with this kind of entertainment), if only to repay the devs for what they have provided us. I'm not very proud of the sneaking bit but now enjoy S2

What I found in S2 (and did not expect from demo) is a mature and tight knit community.
What I'm missing is wheel and pedals to go with it, but I know it would be pushing too far. I think I might get my hands on a wheel when S3 is out
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Quote from The Very End :But how, lol I don?t understand, everytime I brake I usually steps off the trottle, thats ok enough. But also when I accelerate? Do I need to completely lift my foot off the pedal, or is it enough to just, erhm, not give full trottle?
Sounds interesting, going to hurt lol ;D

Wait and see... :drummer: show opens in a few days (drooling over keyboard at work)
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
No, the overall opinion is that throttle cut on upshift will no more be done for you / option removed. So you will have to lift, else gear will not engage.
Throttle blip done automatically would also go away, so you will have to do it yourself (blip the throttle when you downshift, there is an interesting thread in the beginners section).
If all this happens we are in for more fun, more work and more mistakes!
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Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Best I could do would be around 19:45 UTC. Is it worth joining this late?
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Quote from UncleBenny :exactly, if someone can play LFS without aids on with the mouse/KB then the more power to them. but the aids shouldn't be a requirement.

Hey thanks that's what I try to do.
No wheel at home (various reasons - work laptop to play, no desk, no time, anti-LFS wife, kids too young so my LFS time is during their sleep, flat too small, fear of terminal LFS addiction...)
I miss FFB a lot but still like to disable cut / blip / brake help, and hate the sound of flatshift. I'm for sure not a hardcore player but if LFS was easier I would never have purchased a license.

What I find extraordinary in the current LFS is the possibility for a wide range of people to find the good time they are looking for, from newbies using autogears and KB steer to hardcore G25 3 pedals forced view competing seriously. And I do not hink these extremes ever have to meet given the large number of unoccupied servers. Eventually newbies will appreciate the game and get rid of the helps. Please remember to keep the forum as welcoming as the game itself , it can only bring benefits.
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
Quote from K.David :All the posts with the new translation lines should be deleted, they kind of kill the surprise and may also lead to false expectaions.

Nope - translation lines were probably added by the devs so that they can sit back and enjoy reading how far we will speculate based on a few obtuse pieces of text.
Good laugh this far!
Last edited by Mille Sabords, . Reason : added quote for clarity due to snaillike typing...
Mille Sabords
S2 licensed
I use the mouse to drive and keyboard for throttle / brake / clutch.
I tried to blip on downshift (XRG only...) like this and it's hell. Looking forward to it
At the moment I do not get enough incentive to be persistent at it, this might be the time!

If LFS goes this hardcore way then it will probably be general nightmare for a few weeks, and excellent fun in close races for all the missshifts and slipping pedals / fingers.
I wonder how that would affect longer races / leagues?